Visitors policy

The guest has the right to invite visitors to their room from 08:00h – 20:00h.

If the visitor remains in the room after 20:00 the guest must register by presenting a passport or identity card. The hotel is not responsible for any crime claims related to non-registered visitors.

Pet policy

Our pet policy does not allow the presence of pets on the territory of the hotel.

Non-smoking policy

All of the hotel buildings including the rooms and suites are non-smoking. We appreciate your cooperation with our non-smoking policy and reserve the right to charge a €50 cleaning fee to any guest who violates this policy. We offer several rooms with terraces, where you can smoke. The main smoking area is outside of the hotel`s main entrance.

Candles, Incense, Essential oils policy 

Candle, incense, essential oils (diffusing, vaporizing, etc.) are prohibited. These items and activities will be treated as smoking, a fine of €50 applied, and the guest may be evicted with no refunds.

 No-cooking, Cooking appliances, Combustibles or Fireworks policy

The safety of our guests, staff, and this facility is extremely important to us. Preparation of food in guest rooms by any type of cooking appliance is prohibited. A minimum fee of €200 will be charged for cooking in a room, including, but not limited to hot plates, toaster ovens, water heaters, rice cookers, combustible, open flame, barbecue grill, burners, heating appliance, or any other item intended for cooking. Open fires, flames or cooking grills, either charcoal or gas, and fireworks are not allowed anywhere on hotel property. For food and coffee, please always order at the restaurant or the vending machine. Should any damage to hotel property occur the guest is responsible to cover the cost of the items in full.

Video surveillance policy

Video surveillance cameras (CCTV) monitor the territory of the hotel. All information is recorded, checked in on digital media, and stored. Video surveillance is carried out to ensure the safety of guests, their property, as well as the property of the Hotel. By signing the registration card at check-in guests take note and do not object to the fact of using CCTV system on the premises of the Hotel (except for rooms).  

Firearm and guns policy

 The Hotel prohibits any guest or client from carrying any firearm, ammunition, knives, or weapons of any kind in any manner onto the hotel premises. This policy applies to all firearms, regardless of whether the firearm is a handgun or a long-barrelled gun. Guests who fail to abide by this policy will be asked to leave the premises.

Luggage storage policy

Subject to availability of the storage space, the guest can store luggage in the luggage room, at the guest’s sole risk as to loss or damage from any cause. Luggage may not be stored for a period of over 2 days. The hotel reserves the right to refuse storage. Luggage storage is allowed for only items which belong to guests who are arriving at the hotel prior to confirmed reservation or who had a reservation and have checked out of their room. No passer-by or clients of other hotel outlets luggage or items are allowed to be stored in the luggage storage room.

Lost & found policy

The Hotel is not responsible for any shortage, damage, or loss of money, currency values, valuable papers, jewellery, and other precious items of the Guest on the territory of the hotel.

In case of discovery of forgotten items of the Guest, the Hotel shall immediately notify the owner if known. Forgotten items are stored in the Hotel for 1 month from the date they have been found. After the expiration of this period and not finding the owner of the forgotten items the Hotel has the right to utilize, dispose of or destroy the items, making the appropriate Act.

Hazardous Goods policy 

  • Bringing goods and/or storing of raw or exposed cinema films, or any other article of a combustible or hazardous nature and/or prohibited goods and/or goods of objectionable nature is prohibited.
  • The Guest shall be solely liable and responsible to the management, its other guests, invitees’ visitors, agents, and servants for all loss financial or otherwise and damage that may be caused by such articles or because of the guests’ own negligence and non-observance of any / instructions.
  • Gambling, contraband, prostitution, weapons, explosives, flammable objects, poisons, drugs, animals, and pungent food are strictly prohibited on hotel premises.

Damage of Property policy

The guest will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the hotel property caused by themselves, their guests, or any person for whom they are responsible.

Damage discovered after check-out – Guest Rooms found with waste strewn around, in complete disorder, and/or “trashed” will be subject to maintenance deep cleaning fee of €200 and/or third-party fees if needed.

Management’s Rights policy

It is agreed that the guest will conduct him/ herself in a respectable manner and will not cause any nuisance or annoyance within the hotel premise.

The Management has the right to request any guest to vacate his/her room or other areas of the hotel forthwith, without previous notice and without assigning any reason whatsoever, and the guest shall be bound to vacate when requested to do so. In case of the default, the Management has the right to remove the Guest luggage and belongings from the room occupied by him/her. Should the situation escalate, and the guest does not follow this policy the Hotel will call the police.

Photographs and Video’s policy

Using photographs and video’s taken in the Hotel for commercial or public purposes is not allowed. Those who do so will be subject to prosecution as the Hotel is private property and reserves the right to enforce this policy.

Right to refuse service policy 

ESTE PARK HOTEL is privately operated. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason(s) and that does not violate the Republic of Bulgaria laws. The Hotel has a zero-tolerance policy in which we will refuse to admit or refuse service or accommodation in our hotel or may remove a person, without refund, who refuses to abide by the reasonable standards and policies established by the Republic of Bulgaria and management of the hotel. The Hotel will refuse service or evict a guest: for refusal or failure to pay for accommodations, is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other intoxicating substance, and acts in a disorderly fashion as to disturb the peace of other guests or is not in compliance with state liquor laws; acts in a disorderly fashion as to disturb the peace of other guests; is unable to properly supervise their children at all times, seeks to use the hotel for an unlawful purpose; seeks to bring into the hotel: an unlawfully possessed firearm; or something, including an explosive or hazardous or toxic substance, that is unlawful to possess and that may be dangerous to other persons; destroys, damages, defaces, or threatens harm to hotel property or guests; causes or permits persons to exceed the maximum allowable occupancy of the room, refuses to abide by the reasonable standards or policies established by the management of the Hotel.

Illness and Epidemics policy

 The Hotel reserves the right to refuse accommodations to a guest arriving with a contagious disease. In cases where sickness occurs during the stay, please notify the Front Desk staff. In the case of serious sickness, you may be requested to receive appropriate health care from a nearby healthcare facility. During epidemics, we are entitled to employ precautionary measures within our judgment or as required by local authorities. We may charge you a room cleaning fee as we deem appropriate under the circumstances.

Parking at own risk

All vehicle(s) parked on the underground hotel parking lot must be listed on the registration at check-in. All vehicles are parked at the risk of the owner. The Hotel shall not assume liability or responsibility for any vehicle, occupants, or contents while operated or parked on the hotel property. If a vehicle is left in the hotel underground parking lot after the guest has departed without the written consent of the hotel, the hotel reserves the right to have the vehicle towed at the owner’s expense. No vehicle repairs on hotel premises are allowed.

No in-room party policy

The Hotel enforces a No In-Room Party Policy to ensure we can always protect the hotel and our guests. No parties, loud disturbances, and/or noise-nuisance are allowed or tolerated on Hotel premises. In the event of a disturbance, one polite request (warning) will be given to reduce the noise. If our request is not followed, the guest will be asked to leave the hotel without a refund. Registered guest(s) is responsible for all persons visiting. Non-Registered visitors are only permitted until 20:00h. If found with more people not listed on the Guest Registration Form after 20:00h your stay will be considered a party. You will be ordered to vacate the premises without refund and maybe put in the Banned guests’ list of Hotel. Authorities will be called, and occupants will be evicted from the hotel.

If “No in-room party policy” and warnings are ignored a fee of €200 could be applied to the guest`s bill.

For the comfort and convenience of all guests, the Hotel has “Quiet Time” between the hours of 20:00h – 08:00h. We ask our guests to be respectful of their neighbours and to not congregate in halls or public areas where the noise will disturb others.

All noise complaints which resulted in compensation to guests disturbed will be charged to the guest room whose noise caused the complaint.